I and a colleague were discussing about this fact and he seem not to understand. He thought I was being too extreme and sensitive with a lot of things. But here, this's just true.

I hate green color, I literally can't be productive in a room or anywhere painted green.

When I moved into my current hostel, twas painted green😣, I was asked to just stay in for a while, I couldn't. I used my last 5k to repaint my room to light yellow, and I didn't feel any regrets.❤️

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Most times people wonder why I love the colour black especially when I'm black, everything I wear is black.

Even my apps are dark themed but they don't understand that the colour black just gives me this peace and it doesn't affect my eyes.

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Before reading this, I am used to thinking my "colour picking" habit is quite extreme.

Personally, there's a level of serenity and sanity that black and white brings to me.lol

I just find myself acting and working all fine when there are shades of black and white everywhere around me.

Thank you so much Mama Adaora for making me understand how normal it is for colours to influence my mood.

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