Reading this on the 27th of Dec 2022 and to say I'm in awe of how much you've constructively put your thoughts to words. Guess it's a double dose of awesomeness as I'll be going through the 5 growth lessons from 2022 😊. Thanks for sharing Adora.
Bright light. Thank you for sharing your reflections with us. I always feel honored and so happy that I get to learn so much from your lessons and I get to be able to Re-align/validate my mindset and journey from the stories you tell from your years and years of experience. This is definitely one to read over and over again. 💙💙💙 Thank you 🙏🏾🙇🏾♂️
Yay! I just subscribed and glad I get to experience more of you and your intellect beyond the Instagram post. I was glued from beginning to end and could relate to many aspects of the post- growth, vulnerability, health,motherhood, family, new beginnings etc.
I feel like you are my spirit sister. Thank you for this. Keep it up Have an impactful new year
Thank you Lumina. Thank you for always sharing a part of you with me. I always love reading your emails but this particular one was simply breathtaking. More than following you on social media, getting to know you and see parts of you that you do not share anywhere else makes me feel like a member of a special club. Again, Thank you for sharing a part of yourself with me.
The vulnerability I signed up for. Thank you for letting me in(virtually…) You’re definitely easily my best friend in my head. Indeed as you shine your light, you give people like me permission to shine too. Thank you and looking forward to work with you soon
Read this while taking a break during a workout session, just thought I would aimlessly mail check but ended up captivated by your openness, vulnerability and intentional truth telling. It’s weird at times I read you and it’s like I am hearing myself. Your expression of AND is a truth I have come to grudgingly accept in my life too. Especially of the bible. Peace on your life journey fellow sojourner…. A lot of times I think the two of us must have been friends in another life for your words to resonate so soundly. And yes grab life with all ten fingers; the music, rapping, god loving, production managing, king making , loving , mothering , community-ing, friendship-ing. Grab it dear Adaora and make it yours ,it’s your life. Bisou
I read this in one go… hard not to. Thank you so much for always sharing your truth. Many times, these words have helped me navigate life. Some experiences you shared resonate with specific experiences and encounters I had in 2021, almost like confirmations in a way. God bless you Lumina. Happy Q2 🎊❤️
I can’t believe I read all that in one go. Your version of truth is one that blows my mind. I am truly inspired by you. Thank you for being everything that you are.
Reading this on the 27th of Dec 2022 and to say I'm in awe of how much you've constructively put your thoughts to words. Guess it's a double dose of awesomeness as I'll be going through the 5 growth lessons from 2022 😊. Thanks for sharing Adora.
Read this on the 20th of December 2022 in one sitting and I'm thrilled. So many take homes and lessons to run with. Thanks for sharing Lumina
I read this on the 20th of December 2022 and I'm wowed! This is really amazing ma'am, thank you so much❤️
I laughed, I smile, I read, and I absorbed. You are a gift Lumina. And I'm glad you choose to share with us. I can say I started my morning right.
I am so glad I signed up. This just makes me realize a lot of things I am beginning to experience about myself are normal and okay
Thanks for sharing mama. God bless you more
Bright light. Thank you for sharing your reflections with us. I always feel honored and so happy that I get to learn so much from your lessons and I get to be able to Re-align/validate my mindset and journey from the stories you tell from your years and years of experience. This is definitely one to read over and over again. 💙💙💙 Thank you 🙏🏾🙇🏾♂️
Yay! I just subscribed and glad I get to experience more of you and your intellect beyond the Instagram post. I was glued from beginning to end and could relate to many aspects of the post- growth, vulnerability, health,motherhood, family, new beginnings etc.
I feel like you are my spirit sister. Thank you for this. Keep it up Have an impactful new year
Thank you Lumina. Thank you for always sharing a part of you with me. I always love reading your emails but this particular one was simply breathtaking. More than following you on social media, getting to know you and see parts of you that you do not share anywhere else makes me feel like a member of a special club. Again, Thank you for sharing a part of yourself with me.
The vulnerability I signed up for. Thank you for letting me in(virtually…) You’re definitely easily my best friend in my head. Indeed as you shine your light, you give people like me permission to shine too. Thank you and looking forward to work with you soon
Read this while taking a break during a workout session, just thought I would aimlessly mail check but ended up captivated by your openness, vulnerability and intentional truth telling. It’s weird at times I read you and it’s like I am hearing myself. Your expression of AND is a truth I have come to grudgingly accept in my life too. Especially of the bible. Peace on your life journey fellow sojourner…. A lot of times I think the two of us must have been friends in another life for your words to resonate so soundly. And yes grab life with all ten fingers; the music, rapping, god loving, production managing, king making , loving , mothering , community-ing, friendship-ing. Grab it dear Adaora and make it yours ,it’s your life. Bisou
I read this in one go… hard not to. Thank you so much for always sharing your truth. Many times, these words have helped me navigate life. Some experiences you shared resonate with specific experiences and encounters I had in 2021, almost like confirmations in a way. God bless you Lumina. Happy Q2 🎊❤️
I can’t believe I read all that in one go. Your version of truth is one that blows my mind. I am truly inspired by you. Thank you for being everything that you are.