Love yourself wholeheartedly. Toast yourself everyday - you deserve that much.
You are not your titles. You are not things.
Kingship is responsibility, not just reward.
Don't wait to "make it" before you honor your parents. Make the best of now.
People will hurt you. Forgive them.
You'll hurt people. Forgive you.
You don't have to be a mother, to BE a mother.
When God gives you a message to share, fear no one. There'll be some noise, but those who the message is for, got it.
Unresolved Matters of the Heart will manifest as physical illness - do a spiritual arteriogram.
They say "build valuable connections…." Every connection is valuable.
All ground is fertile...but you have to throw your seeds, and then let the manure do its job. The manure may be stinky...but it serves a purpose.
They say, "the world owes you nothing". The world owes you everything, because it's your Father’s property. It works for your good.
Abundance can be a buzz word, or an action word, you decide.
Everything in life is a choice. For every choice, there's an opportunity cost. But you must choose.
God will let you do it your way, because He has a covenant to prosper the work of your hands. But...He will still do His version.
Sometimes you're light in someone's story. Sometimes you're darkness in someone's story. It's called perspective. Get over it.
Build a love friendship with God such that no third party and their personal/cultural beliefs can influence what God has shown you. Spiritual discernment is not magic when God is your G.
Make new friends. There are so many wonderful people in this world.
Plan for the future. But make memories today. Because today is what you have.
Eternity is the real deal. But Heaven is not the goal. The goal is building, nurturing, and enjoying a relationship with Abba + intentional living. If your Father owns the Heavens, your seat is secure. You can spend your entire life trying hard to be worthy of the seat (Impostor Syndrome), or you can accept that your seat is assigned. It's up to you.
Adaora ‘Lumina’ Mbelu
This is Huge Adaora 😍❤ Happy Birthday Keep on Being blessed. Thank You So much.
Happy Birthday Adaora. Stay blessed