I often get asked the question, “Adaora, how do you write so much? How do you do the lengthy captions, and newsletters, and all this writing?” I can give you a deep, comprehensive version of how it all works, but I’ve shared about time management, managing to-do Lists, execution and all that on my YouTube Channel. So let me just paint you a picture of how today’s story came into being.
Early this afternoon, I had a moment where my brain said that I needed to commence planning for my dream TV show. At this moment, I had a flashback to a conversation that I had with God earlier this year (Yes, yes. We speak like G’s). As I walked around my house doing chores, sorting out my food, etc., the thought continued to build and I found myself dissecting the various parts of this one thought. I usually instinctively know what is for me personally, and what’s for public consumption. I’ve learned this over time, through experience. In previous times, I would have a clear idea, story, lesson, and immediately share it to help others. Now, I allow it to marinade first, and discern if it’s meant for me to work on in my personal life, or if it’s meant to be shared immediately. This part takes practice. Back to my IG caption for today - I knew that it was for both myself and others, but I didn’t want to put it out until I downloaded the full story that needed to be shared. Notice that I didn’t say full “lesson,” because you don’t get to choose the lesson that you want to teach others, they get to decide what they’re learning from what you’re sharing.
Yours is to let the message flow through you.
See...I don’t think you have a challenge writing. I don’t think anyone is really a “bad,” writer. I think you either write, or you don’t . Let’s try something - click on this post I shared today, read it, and write something… anything… just write.
Adaora ‘Lumina’ Mbelu
Hey Adaora, Thank you so much for sharing this. This resonates so much to me and this is also my attempt at writing after reading your post on IG. I am a big fan of David Letterman's show and I believe conversations are so important. I see conversations changing perspective and helping others understand better. I want to have more conversations with people, I want more people to share their stories and I have used David Letterman's show as a reference when sharing the ideas with others (lol). These ideas have not yet come to life but I am a believer in doing great things with what you currently hold in your hands and that's what I am doing. I believe that the giver of dreams, God will bring those dreams to life at the RIGHT TIME. Thanks a lot for sharing.
P.S - I really really love your letters and they mean a lot to me. Thanks a lot. God bless you.
I like that you are intentional about what you do and give out into the world. Amazing energy; glad I came across your profile and community.