I Know It’s Tough....Keep Going.
I committed to sending out one newsletter each week, and have done it every single week this year. Aside from my full-time entrepreneurial work, ministry, community development, and all the inspiration and empowerment via social media, I also spend a lot of time counseling and coaching people. This part of my life is super important to me, however, it can also be very draining because it requires a lot of careful listening, honesty, careful speaking, and patience. It also requires a deep level of vulnerability for both the giver, and the receiver. The stories, and moments that have been shared with me over the past few months, had put me in a space where I found it challenging at times to write. So, I spent more time praying for everyone, and for myself through the circumstances that seem bigger than us, but are really beneath us because we are God in man's skin.
As the year comes to an end, I have been a shoulder to many burdens and hearts and it seems 2020 was a really tough one for a lot of people. People who are strong. People who have great hearts. People who give all that they can to others. People who are focused and driven. People who work really hard. People who live a life filled with integrity. People who are non-judgmental. People who truly care about solving problems. People who are God's people. People who feel like they are doing all that they need to, and all that they can, to be everything that God wants for and from them, but are missing some of the things that are most important to them.
Basically....people like you and me.
So....I want to remind you (and me) of 4 things:
God is a promise maker, and promise keeper. In my experience of God, He keeps his promises with us. He doesn't always do it the way that we expect. For instance, He says you will not lack basic needs - when your bank account is empty and you're super frustrated about your next meal, He finds a way to bring it to you. It may not translate via a direct deposit to your account, but somehow He brings you that thing that you're asking for. I know it's frustrating because you want the direct deposit. Lol. Don't worry, He will bring that too. In the meantime, be thankful that your needs are being met, even if it's not via the means that you would prefer.
Be Patient. Don't completely pivot: as we move into 2021, it is easy to start trying to pivot the various aspects of your life, aka, "since xyz didn't work out great in 2020, maybe I'm meant to be doing something else." Be patient. I'm not saying don't make adjustments or changes that you're certain about. However, don't switch to something completely different solely because it seems to be working for other people and you think it's your next big break in 2021. These seeds that you have planted, water them, and watch them grow.
Keep Giving. It's easy to say, "I'm going to give less and save more in 2021." Giving is not the reason why you feel that you have less, giving is actually the reason why you're still here. Give, if you can, and when you can. Don't let circumstances control your giving. Plant and nurture those seeds regardless of the storms that come your way. They will be fruitful and multiply. Ecclesiastes 11:4-6 "He who observes the wind will not sow, and he who regards the clouds will not reap. As you do not know what is the way of the wind, or how the bones grow in the womb of her who is with child, so you do not know the works of God who makes everything. In the morning sow your seed...in the evening do not withhold your hand, for you do not know which will prosper...or whether both alike will be good."
Keep Going. It's tough, but tomorrow you'll be happy that you kept going. I promise that you will come out of all of this stronger, better, and filled with experiences that no one can take away from you.
Keep going, my friend.
Adaora 'Lumina' Mbelu
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Like every opportunity, there's a window and it's limited in terms of number of slots available. Reason being, I need to work with a manageable number of people to allow me give MY best to YOU. First come first serve. Let's Do This Together!