Are you continuously using phrases like I am exhausted, I am tired, I'm drained while there are many reasons why you may be feeling drained it may be excessive work, a tough relationship, the lethargy that comes with poor health it could be anything to be honest, not being yourself can be an underrated cause of exhaustion.
In this episode, I share some tips you can put to practice to help you be more excited, pumped and joyfully about life.
Show Note
[1:13] Be honest about your feelings and desires with people and situations.
[2:25] Let go of judgement; people judging you, and you judging others.
[3:47] Understand and communicate your values, to stop feeling triggered.
[5:16] Create a support system for your mental health that works for you.
[6:24] Your intuition is like seeing with your soul, everything doesn’t have to be black or white.
[8:00] Allow yourself evolve, unlearn and grow, and communicating these changes to your friends.
[10:39] Let go of your self-righteousness and unhealthy expectations you have for yourself
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