We spend so much time asking God for wisdom and knowledge, but often forget to ask for capacity. You see, with wisdom and knowledge comes so many opportunities and open doors. However, you need capacity to be able to effectively harvest.Â
When we hear that we need capacity, our immediate reaction is to think size/scale, i.e. I need more. Capacity does not necessarily mean increasing size, sometimes it means clearing space; organizing folders. If all you had was a 100GB drive that was 98% full (2% space left), and I needed to give you a 10GB file, but you couldn’t afford a larger drive, what would you do? The steps you take, and the decisions you make, determine whether or not you will have capacity to collect. What would you prioritize? Delete movies, photos, etc.? What items would you move to Desktop? Would you simply say, "I have no space, I cannot receive your file. Let me look for someone who has space?" I can serve you several options, but thats not the point.Â
Ask God for Capacity, then use the wisdom and knowledge to discern how to organize.Â
If the capacity of your jar is filled up, the oil will cease to flow. Our capacity determines our blessing flow. If we can increase our capacity we can increase our blessing flow. Even for the Children of Israel, a journey that should have taken less than two weeks, took 40 years. Why? Because they did not have the capacity to accept, and act on the blessings of God, as they were busy murmuring.
Before you try to figure out your capacity to receive, you have to first increase your capacity to Believe. Capacity starts with believing possibilities and capabilities first. If you don't believe that you can use your 100GB properly, then we can't move forward into discussing how to receive.
Stop stressing about being able to afford a 1 terabyte drive, what are you doing with your 100GB? Is it filled with crap?
Adaora ‘Lumina’ Mbelu
Apt! Deep and powerful!
Thank you Adaora! This is exactly what I needed to hear right now. Thank youuu!